Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Normal minimum and maximum temperature for Milwaukee, WI (42°57' -87°54'). This data set came from NOAA.

Record high = 105°F
Summer high = 82°F
Record low = -26°F
Winter low = 13°F

Record high = 92°F
Summer high = 66°F
Record low = -38°F
Winter low = 9°F

Tuesday, November 03, 2009


Designers are using GH for renderings such as aligning props in the scene perpendicular to the camera. This is an experiment in trying to reproduce a certain graphic style for line drawings. This works well with straight lines. The VB component in the definition filters out non-linear curves.

Legend has it that, in the early days of CAD, a certain very large architectural company hired software developers to add "effects" to the clean lines of computer generated drawings so they would look more like hand-drawn. Here we are again. Funny isn't it?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Entry for the 44th Central Glass Int. Architectural Design Competition in collaboration with Kevin Kinney and David Debartolo:

Monday, October 26, 2009


The script is currently outputting the following fabrication data:

1) panel/tab ids*
2) fastener locations*
3) perforation lines (for folding tabs)*
4) cut lines*
5) material thickness relief (mitigates collision of folded tabs)
6) ribs

*color coded to control order of laser cutting

To do:
1) fastener slip-slots on ribs
2) tabs options
a) u,v and diagonal (current working option)
b) u-direction only
c) v-direction only
d) u and v
3) layout panels into strips with U or V direction option

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Work-in-progress: rationalize doubly-curved surfaces with folded triangular panels.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Beautiful emergent patterns resulting from curvature graphs of a 10-sided curve.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009


Bamboo was the source of inspiration for the slender and tapering form and the random tilting. The tapering form is a truncated cone. This type of cone can be modeled geometrically by lofting two circles with different radii. Since each column varies in length, using the same circles with the same radii for all the columns will make a unique truncated cone for each column. This is evidently undesirable in terms of cost.

This led to an idea in mass-customisation and fabrication: the Unit-length column. Given a set of columns of varying lengths, find the longest length and use it to make the Unit-length column. Columns of shorter lengths can be produced by cutting the tip of the Unit-length column.

Saturday, May 09, 2009